2024 Overview

Maharishi International University (MIU) has a long history of sports engagement on an informal basis. We’ve had excellent club soccer teams that challenged major schools all over Iowa. Our Maharishi School has had many state champions in tennis and golf.

But 2024 marks our first entry into true intercollegiate competition. In our first year we will be a guest team in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), competing in soccer, tennis and esports. By year two we plan to be a full member and add women’s flag football and pickleball teams to our engagement.

One advantage of our emerging status is that the first year of student play will not count toward their years of eligibility.

In addition, many college athletes are on teams where they simply don’t get to play, due to the excellence of their teammates.

Let’s just say that, at least in year one, we are hungry for players and you will almost certainly be fully engaged in match play.