MIU Survey
Name, Mascot and Colors
Thank you for taking the time to provide your valuable feedback! Maharishi International University (MIU) is moving forward with the launch of a university sports program, and is now taking input from the students, staff, faculty and community on potential names and mascot ideas!
MIU’s sports program is unique in the world. We employ a Consciousness-Based Sports methodology based on Maharishi’s Vedic Science. This technology is unmatched and ahead of its time in the sports world, using principles of natural law and technologies of consciousness to guide the program at all levels. Our student athletes will have the singular opportunity to achieve their peak performance in sports, by developing their fullest inner potential.
An important principle in Consciousness-Based Sports is the value of a name. The name should represent the values, mission, purpose and essence of the university to the highest degree. This alignment creates a frictionless flow of action from the deepest level of identity within the student athlete to the specific strategies employed in a game or training.
Please keep this in mind as you vote on a name for Maharishi International University.
What do you think?
(see sample visual ideas below survey form)